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World: Global Humanitarian Overview 2019 Monthly Funding Update - 31 July 2019 [EN/FR]

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, occupied Palestinian territory, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World, Yemen, Zimbabwe

The Global Humanitarian Overview published on 4 December 2018 announced funding requirements of $21.9 billion for 21 Humanitarian Response Plans and the Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan. By the end of July, the requirements had reached $26.14 billion. As at the end of July, 141.7 million people are estimated to be in need in 57 countries, a slight decrease of 1.2 million from last month. The plans aim to provide aid to 106.3 million people.

News from the pooled funds

The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) allocated $22.6 million from the Rapid Response Window to six countries in June and July, including to Myanmar and Libya for displacement and to Ethiopia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Kenya for drought.

CERF also published its annual Results Report which is available online. This data-driven publication provides a comprehensive picture of the results achieved in 2018 with the $512 million in humanitarian funding from close to 60 donors.

Fifteen Country-based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) allocated $125.5 million in June and July. The highest allocations were from the Turkey ($46.2 million), Ethiopia ($26.9 million), and Sudan ($16.2 million) funds. The total amount allocated by CBPFs in 2019 stands at $441.8 million.

The Ukraine Humanitarian Fund established in February 2019 launched its first standard allocation of $3.2 million. This allocation aims to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine where the needs are most severe. The allocation will target households with disabled members and the most vulnerable elderly people.

Two recent films feature the work of the CBPFs in Jordan and Iraq and demonstrate how the funds assist people affected by the crisis. The first film focuses on the Jordan Humanitarian Fund features Mjalli and his family who fled Syria and received much needed support after finding refuge in an abandoned house close to the border region. The second film focuses on the Iraq Humanitarian Fund features several children at a learning space and shows how they benefit from the support provided by the teachers.

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